“Ju-On: The Grudge” 2003 Takashi Shimizu
Movie Notes and Tropes
Open with definition of
“Ju-On”, basically a haunting spirit
Murder montage, disturbing
Swinging gently chandelier,
stuff everywhere
Huge, spacious house, sparsely
Spooky elder woman,
Tension builds while
investigating scratching noises
Black cat (Bad luck) and
mysterious child
Creaky stairs
Creepy child is creepy
Old woman speaking to/tormented
by ghost(s)
Another creepy, creaking child
Kazoumi is attacked by the
ghost boy/cat, is paralyzed?
Catboy screeches, Katsuya and
Kazoumi are affected by the spirit, under it’s control
Painfully high pitched ringing
Hatoumi in long dim hallway, swishing
noises follow
Creaking girl prank call
Dark shadow/ ghost black hair
girl kills security guard (Hatoumi now super vulnerable)
Catboy in every window
Girl ghost shift-shapes into
Katsuya, no one can be trusted!
Creepy TV glitching
Hatoumi is taken, now 3 main characters
probably dead, only Rika (the caretaker) alive (and mom of course)
Find history of house, every
previous family has died or disappeared, also know that a man Sakei killed his
family there
Dead guy under the sink
Detective watches security
guard murder and other detective stuff on tapes late at night
Spirits now in his house,
creepy crawling
Doesn’t show them actually
harming people, leaves it to your imagination
Everyone is dead except Rika
Eyes of the haunted/deceased
people blurred out in photographs
Old man playing peekaboo with
ghost boy
Ghost girl covered in blood,
creaking down the stairs like a spider
Ends with Rika being murdered
by dad Sakei?
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