Personal Favorite “Weird Horror” Movie is Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil
Cabin in the Woods (2012) dir. By Drew Goddard (9/10 stars)
Corporate, office setting
(Maybe research/scientific based)
Light, casual humor between
Stereotypical “College Girl”
scene (“Smart and quirky” girl virgin+ Ditsy party blonde)
Jocks appear!
Token stoner
Set up characters for typical
horror movie trope (Group of friends on vacation to a house in the forest)
At this point, the “weird”
part of the horror is the scenes of the mysterious “Research” lab
Sketchy gas stop where the
“College Kids” are harassed and creeped out by backwoods man
Long, tedious journey to the
dwelling in the trees
Creepy, murderous paintings in
the house
One way mirror
The College Kids are being
filmed by the scientists! For TV shows??
Using hormones, etc. to
control behavior/ subtly influencing actions
More workplace drama, making
it seem casual
Mention of “The Ancient Ones”
Employees betting on the
College kids partying
Cellar door blows open!
Everyone goes down, it is
emphasized by the scientists that this choice is entirely up to the college
Dana reads from a diary, the
dead rises
Basement is filled with things
that will each trigger a different monster, depends on what the participants
choose to interact with
“The Buchners” Zombie Redneck
Torture Family
There’s Horror Movie Torture
filming in Japan too! And most likely other countries!
A couple employees disagree
with the practice of murdering groups of people with mystical creatures for
Curt the Jock and Jules the
blonde girl get together
Stoner, Marty, is the smartest
one so far, knows something ain’t right
The two fornicating characters
(Jules and Curt) are brutally murdered by Z.R.T.Family (Maybe they justify this
by them “paying for their sins”?)
Seems they sacrifice people
for the “Beast’s eternal slumber”
Definitely some blood letting
ritual going on
Gnarly zombies thumping at the
front door
“We should split up”
Marty realizes its all a
reality TV show, is dragged into the woods and presumably killed
LOTS of violence and gore,
Bear traps on a chain is a popular way to catch people
Scene of grade school kids in
Japan singing away evil spirit, scientists freak out about “the Ancients
College Kids discover the
force field surrounding the property
“The Virgin’s death is
optional as long as she suffered”
Surprise Marty is still alive!
Marty and Dana find an
elevator with other monsters in it, hundreds of terrifying monsters, like every
horror movie within a horror movie.
They let out the nightmares!!
And it’s epic.
Jerk Scientist has death by
mermaid, super brutal, not a typical mermaid
Marty and Dana find a huge
ancient temple, used for ritual sacrifice, to punish young people: “The whore
(Jules), the athlete (Curt), the scholar Holden), the fool (Marty), the virgin
Ancient Ones are “Gods that
used to rule the world”
Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore
“The netherworld is
timeless and unchanging, and boring—much like a doctor’s waiting room.”
No one would like to have a
homicidal demon named “Catch” as a companion. To make things worse for our
protagonist Travis, Catch loves to swallow people whole. If he were to get rid
of him, Travis would age about 90 years in a moment. This is his dilemma as he
searches for a solution in the fake Californian town of Pine Cove. Joining the
merry duo is a foul-tempered djinn (genie) Gian Hen Gian and an elderly man
Effrom Elliot, who dreams about women. Somehow Travis is pulled into a pool
competition with a hunky hustler, an invisible and uncontrollable Catch (he
only becomes visible to others when he feeds), a sarcastic bar owner, and a
lovely woman with so many faults she is practically a saint. On top of this
bizarre cast of characters, the rules and required circumstances to get rid of
Catch are nearly impossible to enact. The horror and fantastical snakes it’s
way through a range of absolutely ridiculous yet believably human characters.
All the while, Catch complains about having a pacifist like Travis for a master
when he would much more prefer an evil dictator with many enemies for him to
consume. Moore really captures the little fallacies of the everyday human
experience, and the little irrational quirks and faults that make us who we
are. His writing really brings this story and the characters to life in this
charming, biting, and laugh out loud novel.
I do enjoy how you break down what you've read/seen each week for you blog, however I would it would be nice to understand some of your own perceptions and thoughts on what you've seen. I did like your synopsis of the book Practical Demonkeeping. I'm quite interested in the novel now, and might just pick it up next! - Jess K. I greatly enjoyed your blog, I too like watching anime, and I had never heard of Mushishi and am now looking forward to watching it based upon your beautiful breakdown of the show. It truly sounds wonderful, and something that I would love to watch. I greatly enjoy when shows can take mythology, wives-tales, and old stories and incorporate them into a new style such as this. Especially horror, which is quite difficult to retell in animated form. I don't know if you've heard of Future Diary, but it might be something that you would enjoy, or even Psycho Pass. Thanks for the review/recommendation! - Jess K.